Model Based System Engineering

Is it the latest buzzword? A fad? Or does MBSE offer a real improvement to the way systems engineering is performed?
 View articles on MBSE  

Requirements Management

With 25 years of experience, we’ve made and fixed every mistake in requirements management. Learn from us!
 Articles on requirements coming soon. 

SysML and Tools

The defacto language of MBSE is Systems Modeling Language, or SysML. Learn more about it, and tools that support SE, like MagicDraw, Rational Rhapsody, DOORS and more. I might even write about tools like Core.
 Articles on tools and languages coming soon. 

Information Management in SE

Systems Engineers don’t generate hardware, we generate words, spreadsheets, requirements etc. We generate information and need to know how to manage it.
 View articles on information management  

Managing Complexity

Systems Engineers are tasked with managing the complexity of their systems, and complexity is growing exponentially. How do we cope?


 Articles on complexity management coming soon